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Error Correction


Section 508:

  • §1194.22(n)

WCAG 2.0:

  • 3.3.1
  • 3.3.2
  • 3.3.3

Assistance for correcting errors should be provided

People with cognitive impairments may have difficulty in understanding how to correct errors. Providing assistance such as suggestions will increase the chances that the user can complete a form.


Provide suggestions when possible. For example, if a password does not meet the requirements for a secure password the user must be informed of what those requirements such as having capital letters, numbers, and symbols.

iOS Example

When a password field does not meet the requirements, an error message is displayed at the top of the form indicating an error in the password field and describes the requirements for a secure password.

iOS Failure

When a password field does not meet the requirements, an error message is displayed at the top of the form but does not tell the user what to do in order to enter a password that meets the security requirements


Provide suggestions when possible. For example, if a password does not meet the requirements for a secure password the user must be informed of what those requirements such as having capital letters, numbers, and symbols.

Android Example

When a password field does not meet the requirements, an error message is displayed at the top of the form indicating an error in the password field and describes the requirements for a secure password.

Android Failure

When a password field does not meet the requirements, an error message is displayed at the top of the form but does not tell the user what to do in order to enter a password that meets the security requirements


Provide suggestions when possible. For example, if a password does not meet the requirements for a secure password the user must be informed of what those requirements are; such as having capital letters, numbers, and symbols.

HTML Example

<!-- after submission -->
<h4><a name="Errors" tabIndex=-1">Errors were found</a></h4>
<li>The password does not the meet the requirements for a secure password.  Passwords must contain at least one capital letter, one symbol (*,$,#,!), and one number.</li>

HTML Failure

<!-- after submission -->
<div>Errors were found</div>
<li>Your password does not meet the requirements.<li>


Recommended tool/method: Manual

  1.  Activate the app
  2. Trigger an error on an object, element, or control requiring a value by not entering a value or by entering an invalid value
  3. Verify that suggestions are given for how to enter correct values either prior to or after the value is entered.