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Turn VoiceOver on or off (Activate) Command + F5
Pause/Stop speech Control
Repeat the last spoken phrase Command + Option + Z
VoiceOver Quick Start tutorial Command + Option + Command + F8
Open the VoiceOver Help menu Command + Option + H
VoiceOver Commands Help menu Command + Option + HH
Start keyboard help Command + Option + K  
Exit keyboard help  Escape
Typing Echo (verbosity)  Control + Option + V
Open VoiceOver Utility  Control + Option + F8
Cycle through speech attributes  Control + Option + Command + LeftArrow (or RightArrow)
Change current speech attribute  Control + Option + Command + UpArrow (or DownArrow)
Close a menu or rotor, stop an action, or exit a mode Escape
Lock and unlock the VO (Control and Option) keys  Control + Option + ;
Hear the application summary Control + Option + F1
Hear the window summary Control + Option + F2
Describe the item in the VoiceOver cursor Control + Option + F3
Describe the item that has the keyboard focus Control + Option + F4
Describe the selected item Control + Option + F6
Navigation: General
Move VO cursor left, right, up or down Control + Option + Arrow keys
Move to start of list or document Control + Option + Shift + Home
Move to end of list or document Control + Option + Shift + End
Move to top/start of window, Dock, etc Control + Option + Command + Home
Move to bottom/end of window, Dock, etc Control + Option + Command + End
Navigation: Directly Accessing Items
Move to the menu bar Control + Option + M (Control-F2)
(NB: Control + Option + Shift + M opens context menu)
Move to the Dock Control + Option + D  (or Control-F3)
Move to the desktop Control + Option + Shift+D
Open the Item Chooser (to go to item on the screen or in a window) Control + Option + I
Jump to a linked item (for example, from a Mail message in the Inbox to its message text) Control + Option + J
Navigation: Hot Spots
Set or remove a hot spot Control + Option + Shift + [number key]
Open the Hot Spot Chooser (to browse and jump to hot spots) Control + Option + [number key] + [number key]
(i.e.Control + Option + same number key twice)
Jump to a hot spot Control + Option + [number key]
Hear a description of a hot spot Control + Option + Command + [number key]
Navigation: QuickNav 
Toggle QuickNav on/off LeftArrow + RightArrow
Move VoiceOver cursor Cursor keys (equals Control + Option + Arrow keys)
Perform action Up+Down (equals Control + Option + Spacebar)
Interact with item Right/Down (equals Control + Option + Shift + DownArrow)
Stop interacting with item Left/Down (equals Control + Option + Shift + UpArrow)
Visual Commands
Magnify item in VoiceOver cursor Control + Option + Shift + [  
Shrink item in cursor Control + Option + Shift + ]
Toggle VoiceOver focus rectangle (& other visuals) Control + Option + F11
Displays Caption panel (of where VO cursor is) Control + Option + Command + F10
Find text Control + Option + F
Find next (after using VO+F) Control + Option + G
Find previous Control + Option + Shift + G
Find the next misspelled word Control + Option + Command + E
Reading commands (TextEdit, Safari, etc)
Before you can use most of these commands, you must interact with text in a text area.
Read all Control + Option + A
Read from beginning to cursor Control + Option + B
Read visible window Control + Option + Shift + W
Speak text attributes Control + Option + T
Speaks line number, word and character Control + Option + F3
Read character   Control + Option + C
Read next character  Control + Option + Shift + Right Arrow
Read previous character  Control + Option + Shift + Left Arrow
Read word Control + Option + W
Spell word Control + Option + WW
Spell word phonetically Control + Option + WWW
Read next word Control + Option + Right Arrow
Read previous word Control + Option + Left Arrow
Read line Control + Option + L
Read next line Control + Option + Down Arrow
Read previous line Control + Option + Up Arrow
Read sentence Control + Option + S
Read next sentence Control + Option + Command + Page Down
Read previous sentence Control + Option + Command + Page Up
Read paragraph Control + Option + P
Read next paragraph Control + Option + Shift + Page Down
Read previous paragraph Control + Option + Shift + Page Up
Read a row in a table Control + Option + R
Read a column in a table Control + Option + Shift + C
Read the column header in a table Command + Option + C
One cell forward Command + Option + Right Arrow
One cell backwards Command + Option + Left Arrow
One cell down Command + Option + Down Arrow
One cell up Command + Option + Up Arrow
Interaction commands 
Interact with an item Control + Option + Shift + DownArrow
Stop interacting with an item Control + Option + Shift + Up Arrow
Perform the default action for the item in the VoiceOver cursor (e.g. open active item) Control + Option + Spacebar
Open application, documents or download folders on Dock Control + Option + Spacebar, down arrow, Enter
Perform action Up+Down (equals Control + Option + Spacebar)
Interact with item Right/Down (equals Control + Option + Shift + DownArrow)
Stop interacting with item Left/Down (equals Control + Option + Shift + UpArrow)
Web commands (Safari)
Navigation: General
Enter web page Control + Option + Down Arrow
Exit web page Control + Option + Up Arrow
Go to address bar Command + L
Go to browser menu Command + Option + M
Access "Right Click" Menu options Shift + Command + Option + M
Go to previous page Command + Left Arrow
Go to next page Command + Right Arrow
Move to next heading Control + Option + Command + H
Move to next heading of the same level Control + Option + Command + M
Move to next plain text Control + Option + Command + P
Move to next link Control + Option + Command + L
Move to next visited link Control + Option + Command + V
Move to next image Control + Option + Command + I
Move to next control Control + Option + Command + J
Move to next table Control + Option + Command + T
Move to next column Control + Option + Command + Y
Move to next frame Control + Option + Command + F
Move to next list Control + Option + Command + X
Move to the next auto web spot Control + Option + Command + N
To move to a previous item, use Shift with above commands. e.g. VO+Command+Shift+H to move to next heading 
Navigation: Web Spots
Set a web spot Control + Option + Command + Shift + }
Remove a web spot Control + Option + Command + Shift + {
Set the sweet spot Control + Option + Command + Shift + } + }
Move to the next web spot Control + Option + Command + ]
Move to the previous web spot Control + Option + Command + [
Navigation: Web Item Rotor 
Open the Web Item rotor Control + Option + U
Navigate lists Left & right arrow keys
Navigate items in selected list Up & down arrow keys
In Headers List, list only headings of a particular level Type level number
Read a link address (URL) Control + Option + Shift + U
Read webpage statistics Control + Option + Shift + I